Floor Cleaning Equipment for Sports CentreSlip and fall hazards are a major issue for indoor sport centres due to the risk of injury of players. ACC statistics state that in the year July 2016 to June 2017, 59310 new claims were made as a result of injuries from indoor sporting activities.

A large proportion of these are fall relating injuries and many of these because of a slippery floor. So, why do sports floors get so slippery if not cleaned properly? The answer is surprising, perspiration.

The sweat that drops on to a sports floor is extremely slippery due to its oily composition, this needs to be cleaned off correctly and regularly to avoid building up to dangerous levels.

Proquip recently delivered a CRO8072 Ride-On floor scrubber and Matrix battery floor sweeper to an indoor sports centre to keep their floors in top condition. The sweeper will clean all dust and loose debris off the floor surface and the floor scrubber will clean off all dirt and perspiration leaving a nice clean floor with plenty of grip.

Having effective cleaning practises and using correctly specified floor cleaning equipment, can go a long way in ensuring these risks are minimised. Contact us today to find out how Proquip can help you.