Lead-Acid vs. Lithium Batteries


In the realm of energy storage, two primary categories dominate the landscape: traditional lead-acid batteries and the more contemporary lithium batteries. Each brings distinct advantages and limitations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the disparities between these two battery technologies, focusing on Numatic’s NX1K Lithium Phosphate and NX300 Lithium-ion batteries, providing an insightful comparison to assist in making informed decisions.

What’s the Difference?

1. Lead-Acid Batteries:

Lead-acid batteries have been the workhorses in energy storage for decades. They are typically found in cars, boats, forklifts, and various backup power applications.

Let’s delve into their characteristics:

Characteristic Lead-Acid Batteries
Weight Heavy
Volumetric Energy Density (power to weight ratio) Low
Cycle Life Short (800-1000 charge cycles)
Maintenance Requires regular maintenance
Environmental Impact Contains hazardous materials
Charge Rate Slow
Cost-effectiveness Initially cheaper

Pros of Lead-Acid Batteries:

  • Cost: Initially, lead-acid batteries are more cost-effective, making them a common choice for many applications.
  • Familiarity: Their established presence in the market ensures familiarity and ease of maintenance for many users.
  • Availability: Widely available and easily replaceable.

Cons of Lead-Acid Batteries:

  • Weight and Size: Heavier and larger compared to lithium batteries, affecting portability and space requirements.
  • Shorter Cycle Life: Typically have a shorter lifespan compared to lithium batteries, requiring more frequent replacements.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance, such as topping up electrolytes and avoiding deep discharges, is necessary.

2a. Lithium Phosphate Batteries (NX1K)

two lithium iron phosphate NX1K batteries

Lithium Phosphate batteries, like Numatic’s NX1K, represent a significant evolution in battery technology, offering distinct advantages over lead-acid batteries:

Characteristic NX1K Lithium Phosphate Batteries
Weight Light
Volumetric Energy Density (power to weight ratio) High
Cycle Life Longer (4000 Charge Cycles)
Maintenance Low maintenance
Environmental Impact Environmentally friendly
Charge Rate Flexible and rapid
Cost-effectiveness Long-term cost efficiency

Pros of Lithium Phosphate Batteries (NX1K):

  • Longer Cycle Life: Lithium Phosphate batteries offer a longer lifespan, reducing the frequency of replacements. 
  • Lightweight and Compact: They are lighter and more compact, allowing for increased portability and space efficiency.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Lithium Phosphate batteries are environmentally friendly and recyclable.

Cons of Lithium Phosphate Batteries (NX1K):

  • Higher Initial Cost: Lithium Phosphate batteries may have a higher upfront cost compared to lead-acid batteries.

2b. Lithium-ion Batteries (NX300)

two NX300 lithium ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries, like Numatic’s NX300 series, represent another variant of lithium technology. They possess their own set of characteristics:

Characteristic NX300 Lithium-ion Batteries
Weight Light
Volumetric Energy Density (power to weight ratio) High
Cycle Life Moderately high (2500 Charge Cycles)
Maintenance Low maintenance
Environmental Impact Moderate
Charge Rate Fast
Cost-effectiveness Long-term cost efficiency

Pros of Lithium-ion Batteries (NX300):

  • High Energy Density: Lithium-ion batteries offer superior energy density, providing more power in a smaller package.
  • Low Maintenance: They require minimal maintenance, providing hassle-free usage.
  • Faster Charging: Lithium-ion batteries typically charge faster than lead-acid batteries.

Cons of Lithium-ion Batteries (NX300):

  • Moderate Environmental Impact: Lithium-ion batteries have a moderate environmental impact, with certain challenges in disposal and recycling.

Comparison Table


Lead-Acid Batteries

NX1K Lithium Phosphate

NX300 Lithium-ion





Volumetric Energy Density (power to weight ratio)




Cycle Life

Short (800-1000 charge cycles)

Longer (4000 charge cycles)

Moderately high (2500 Charge cycles)


Requires regular maintenance

Low Maintenance

Low maintenance

Environmental Impact

Contains hazardous materials

Environmentally friendly


Charge Rate


Flexible and rapid



Initially cheaper

Long-term cost efficiency

Long-term cost efficiency


There has been a lot in the media lately regarding the safety of Lithium Batteries. We address these concerns and more in our blog ‘Are Lithium Batteries Safe’

To explore our range of battery-powered equipment and experience the future of power solutions, contact our experts today.